Look no further!
Regular Decision:
Vanderbilt decided to keep it short and sweet, so we’ll follow suit. A one-question supplement means you’ve got one shot at perfection. No pressure, though.
The Requirements: 1 essay of 150-400 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Activity
This is a standard activity essay, much like the prompts of Brown, Tulane, and University of Michigan. So here’s the assignment: Tell admissions something they don’t already know. When you pick your activity, make sure it doesn’t appear in other essays you’ve written (like your Common App personal statement, for example). This is a perfect opportunity to showcase leadership skills or personal values. So choose an activity that matters to you and through which you have grown in tangible ways (getting promoted) or intangible ways (learning the value of listening). Oh, and that expansive 150-400 word limit means that you could easily recycle an activity essay you’ve written for another school. Just make sure you swap out any institution-specific details before you hit submit!