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Ivy Divider
Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

2017-18 College Application Calendar for Juniors

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips, International Students  |  Posted on January 12th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

High school juniors…it’s your turn up at bat. 2017 will be the year you reach an extremely important milestone – applying to college, which of course means writing your college essay. AHHH! PANIC! Wait, no, don’t. Because if you’re reading this post, then you’re already WAY ahead! We here at CEA say that the most […]

What to do During the Last Three Months of College Application Season

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on September 29th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

This is it. The final stretch. The final frontier. You’re just a few short months away from kissing your college applications goodbye forever. It’s exciting, isn’t it? Or maybe it’s stressful. Whatever you’re feeling right now, dear applicants, it’s important to remember that, while the end is nigh, it isn’t here yet. So, if you’ve […]