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Regardless of when you decide to write, whether it is three months or three days before the deadline, it can be easy to fall ill to college essay fever. Fortunately, we have helpful tips to share for maintaining your sanity! They may seem basic, but they can be easy to forget.
Don’t underestimate the importance of H2O. Lack of proper hydration is often cited as the cause of midday fatigue and can lead to a decrease in alertness and concentration. Pour yourself a glass of the finest water you can find.
Hanger is real. Whether you get cranky or fade when your lunch wears off, it’s important to keep snacks around to ensure your mind is awake. Try healthy fats like avocados and coconuts to keep your synapses firing at full speed without encountering a sugar crash.
Get a little old school. Go outside and feel the sun on your face while you stretch your legs. Maybe do push ups in between paragraphs. Afternoon yoga might stretch both your abs and your mind. Moving might welcome accidental idea time. When you clear your head, good ideas that were just under the surface before finally have the space to emerge. Don’t believe us? Watch this TED talk!