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Get Started on Your College Applications Over Labor Day 2016

Ivy Divider

labor day 2016 saleThe sun is setting on your summer and senior year is about to begin. Labor Day 2016 is your last chance for one last hurrah. Your memories of summer camp, summer jobs, and summer travel already feel like distant memories as you make your plans for one last trip to the beach. But before your memories fade entirely, set aside some time this Labor Day to get a jump on your personal statement. Don’t worry. It’s as easy as a Netflix binge watch. (And yes, we know you were secretly planning on spending some quality time with the ‘Flix over the long weekend, too.)

In 10 entertaining episodes, College Essay Academy will:

  • Walk you step-by-step through the college essay writing process
  • Break down the 2016-17 Common App prompts
  • Prep you for all the supplemental essays you will have to write
  • Share some stellar examples of real, successful college essays
  • Give you the skinny on the brand new Coalition Application in a special bonus episode

And it’s still shorter than season 2 of Kimmy Schmidt. We know. We can’t believe it either.

Start your binge today. Get 25% off your purchase of any package with code FLIX16.

Buy Now

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