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College Essay News and Tips from Around the Web

Ivy Divider

CEA_Book+TabletThere are some things in this world that really just can’t be explained.  Like why BBC’s “Merlin” only got five seasons, why stores start selling summer clothing in February and then start selling fall clothing in July, or how this beluga whale got so ripped (seriously though, it’s weird…).  But I’m sure the unanswered question plaguing all of your thoughts, students, is: “WHY IS THE COLLEGE APPLICATION PROCESS SO STRESSFUL?????”  You’re not alone in this thought, believe us!  In this edition of CEA’s Weekly Link Roundup, let us try to assuage some of your worries and stresses.

  • Filling out your applications can feel like an endless chore.  According to Phoebe Venable, sometimes it can even feel like a full-time job!  Read her advice to rising Juniors and Seniors on how to get ahead of the game and minimize the amount of time spent stressing.
  • There’s a lot of information floating around out there about the college process, a lot of it negative and stressful, and can make you feel defeated before you’ve even started.  Fr. Paul Lowe takes you through the rumor mill and exposes the top ten myths about the college admissions process that you should stop worrying about.
  • And finally, a reminder that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel: recent high school grads look back on their college admissions process and share some thoughts.

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