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Resources & Tips

Ivy Divider
Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

If You’re Not Done with Your College Application Essays Right Now, You’re Late

Topic: advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, From The Founder  |  Posted on September 14th, 2023  |  Written by Stacey Brook

Every year it happens. September rolls around, Labor Day BBQs end the summer with a side of slaw, and students all over the world wake up and realize that, in addition to schoolwork, they have to start working on their college admissions essays. As someone who has been advising students on their college essays for […]

How To Approach The College Essay as a STEM Student

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips  |  Posted on June 28th, 2018  |  Written by Kat Stubing

So you’re not about to declare a Creative Writing major and your dream has never been to win a Pulitzer prize. The words don’t come naturally to you and you have trouble transforming your ideas into eloquent sentences. You might find yourself working harder in English and relaxing in Math and Computer Programming classes (in […]

Getting in Gear: 3 Ways to Make Writing the College Essay Easier

Topic: Admissions, advice, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Procrastination, Productivity, Quick Tips, quotes, Tips  |  Posted on June 15th, 2018  |  Written by Kat Stubing

They don’t call it writer’s block for nothing! Writing can be difficult, especially when you’re staring down the business end of a totally blank page. And super especially when you are under the gun to meet deadlines. If you’re feeling seen and your palms are starting to sweat, take a breath and summon the ghost […]

How to Write a Great Transfer Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips  |  Posted on May 1st, 2018  |  Written by Kat Stubing

If you find yourself reading this post, you’ve already been through the college application process once. You wrote the essays; you got accepted (!); you made your choice. But now that you’re on campus, you’ve decided that this school just isn’t for you. It happens! The mere decision to re-apply and relive this entire process […]